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He Waka Kōrero

8 week online wānanga 

Te reo Māori language planning for whānau 

with tamariki under 3 years old

Registration for term 3 in 2024 is open!

He Waka Kōrero - Online

This wānanga is for whānau from around the motu .

Our sessions are held online via zoom on Wednesdays from 10am – 11.15am. Please register only if you can attend the classes at this time.

Start date: 7 August 2024 

He Waka Kōrero - Ōpōtiki

These classes are kanohi-ki-te-kanohi in Ōpōtiki.

Classes will run on Wednesdays from September (TBC)  in the mornings from 10am - 11.15am.

About He Waka Kōrero

He Waka Kōrero is a 8 week online wānanga where you develop a te reo Māori language plan for your whānau with young tamariki.  The wānanga weaves together mātauranga Māori, experiences and knowledge of whānau, the science around language in the early years and kōrero from Tūpuna Parenting.

This wānanga is for whānau who:

  • Have pēpi / tamariki under 3 years or are hapū

  • Are growing te reo Māori in their whānau

  • Want to be intentional in sharing te reo Māori with pēpi

  • Have aunties, kaumātua, cousins and wider whānau who want to support reo Māori

More information

While exploring mātauranga Māori, science and strategies of language learning in the early years, whānau will use a waka navigation framework to get a clear idea of who is in their waka reo, what their reo Māori destination is, and what will help them get there. We will also kōrero about:

  • Week 1: Whanaungatanga, mana and tapu, reo Māori aspirstions

  • Week 2: Waka navigation for reo planning, how and when our babies learn language

  • Week 3: Creating reo Māori language domains

  • Week 4: Waiata

  • Week 5: Pūrākau, kōrero tuku iho

  • Week 6: Pukapuka

  • Week 7: Open kaupapa

  • Week 8: Share back your reo plan for your whānau

Whānau who have done the previous wānanga said they loved connecting with other whānau on a similar reo haerenga, having a space to share ideas about language learning in the kāinga, growing their connection with pēpi and having a Māori framework for reo Māori planning.

What do I need to join?

You don't need to be fluent or well versed in tikanga Māori to join these wānanga. What you will need is a desire or excitement to grow te reo Māori in your whānau. 

You will also need to attend wānanga over zoom on Tuesday or Wednesday morning from 9.45am till 11am. We don't currently have an evening class, so you will need to be available in the morning. 

Ko wai mātou?

The wānanga is developed by Hana Tuwhare (Ngāpuhi), a Community Activator for Talking Matters. Hana combines her knowledge of second language learning, te reo Māori and speech-language therapy skills to share a kaupapa that supports whānau to grow reo in the kāinga. The wānanga is also facilitated by Tui Bennett (Ngāti Whakaue), a Community Activator with early childhood experience and a second language learner of te reo Māori. 

Talking Matters is a kaupapa building rich language environments for pēpi in the first 1000 days. We partner with whānau, communities, ECEs, and iwi to grow confident, competent and creative communicators who are strong in their culture and identity.

The Talking Matters kaupapa for whānau was originally developed alongside whānau and community workers who have diverse cultures and languages and were connected with the Glen Innes Family Center in Tāmaki Makaurau.

He Waka Kōrero was developed specifically for whānau who are growing te reo Māori and want to share their reo with pēpi. The name He Waka Kōrero was inspired by the Hautu Waka navigation framework which underpins the kaupapa.

He Waka Kōrero weaves together mātauranga Māori, experiences and knowledge of whānau, the science around language in the early years and kōrero from Tūpuna Parenting.

Find out more

If you want to know more, please email 


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